Michael 'Air' Jordan. The MJ who can fly.
Growing up in Japan, I never had a chance to go see NBA live up until the year 2k.
I saw Mavs and Nets game in Dallas and holy shit it was incredible.
Then I picked up some top 40 play/players type videos on my way back to Tokyo.
I knew Jordan, Magic, Barkley, Drexler, Ewing and all that, but didn't realize how unbelievable they are till then. They are such showmen and they rule. Then I had to get some T-shirts, jerseys, sneakers, jackets anything that's got to do with my fav players.
Anyways, when I finally got too see Michael Jordan live, he was not wearing the red jersey, was blue instead. It was his last season, and was his last game at Madison Square under Spike Lee's eyes. He was older, but he did play like a real wizard. Each time he had a ball, I could see everyone's eyes sparkling with expectation and anticipation......
This jacket is the most classic of all time. You can't fly like he did in it, but at least you can be fly.
MJことマイケル・ジョーダン、「NIKE」 AIR JORDANシリーズと80’sから続く今現代のストリートスタイルとの関係は切っても切れないもの。引退してもなお、新シリーズは進化の一途をたどり、新作の発売と同時にキッズは胸を踊らされます。僕ん中ではAJ11で停まってますけど。。。
Thanks TIC & Yoshiki...
今回のショットは、モデルにリアルなダンサーを起用し、VINTAGE 「NIKE AJ1 wing ジャケット」をメインにスタイリング。パンツにはリアルなキッズを彷彿させる、デニムぺインターショーツ、ミリタリーカーゴパンツをチョイス。