GUCCI, CHANEL, MCM.... Who could afford that type of luxury back in the day? Definitely not the cats in the street on the hip hop movement in NY. until they(rappers only, not breakers) hit the mainstream later on. But fun people knew what to do. They found cheap fakes and styled it up with street style. The coolest part of the idea is that the fakes were styled as cheap fake shits. There was no need to pretend. If there was someone who wasn't sure if it's real or not, you wanted to let them know. Cause it was way cooler. That, was the 'keeping it real'.
However, however, however..... The fakes, these days..... It's really dumb. Trying so hard to make it look the same. Trying to rip off people. There is no fun in there. It's all business, imitation and pretension. No social message. No voice. Stupid, really.
Luckily, there are some 'real' fakes left out there. If you are old enough now to afford a GUCCI hat or something, you know which sweatshirt to put on with it. Have fun.
今、現在もブランドのフェイク品はストリートに氾濫しています。けどこれだけはハッキリと言えます。80’s文化から産まれたフェイク品と、今出回ってるMADE IN CHINAの偽物は全く違います。決して80’sフェイク品を肯定してる訳ではないけど、当時のフェイク品には本物にはない独特な空気感があります。