Polo Ralph Lauren has created this, that and all that too. The 'handsomeness' is in each and every one of them, but don't let the shirt be handsomer than you are when you have it on. Wear it like you own it.... You better own it first, though.
「POLO Ralph Lauren」の魅力。計り知れない程の個々のアイテムの存在感。伝統的なトラッドなアイテムの数々。品のあるスポーツアイテム。。
Styling with Polo football shirts from the 90s. These types of football shirts are inspired by the ones from 60s~70s. They have been pretty big in Japan and the vintage market in the last two or three years, but not many were after them in 90s. Polo was making them!
ハイ!さて今回のスタイリングなんですが、「POLO」の魅力の一つ、{あれ!?同じようなT-シャツ着てるけど2人とも全然雰囲気違うね!}を「90’sVINTAGE POLO フットボールT-シャツ」をメインに使いクッキング! Vintage overalls can be found pretty reasonably these days, because they are not too big right now among Japanese vintage nerds. Let's go get'em!
一品目は、「VINTAGE オーバーオール」、「VINTAGE レザーキャスケット」を合わせて90’sダンサーライクなカジュアルな合わせで。シンプルだけど奥深い、まるでチャーハン。Styled like an intelligent and clever dude who is quite athletic whose parents are not really rich! Like... aren't you too capable?
見た目は同じ炒めご飯だけど、全く違うもの。その日の気分でお好きな方をどうぞお召し上がりください。 'Shit, I locked myself out....'
'I'm home, Mama!'
ブランドの中で、 全く違う雰囲気のスタイルが、隣り合わせに存在する。焼き飯、いや「POLO」の世界観はハマったら抜けれません。