blog : Toronto 'Miracle' Worker



This wickedest vintage pair is made by this French brand MACDOUGAL & Co in Paris. It's likely from 1940s, if not earlier. It's just miraculously beautiful. (The suspenders are made by Brooks Bros. in England, also from the same era.)
かっこよすぎ。シルエット、色合い、素材感。久々に完璧と呼べるパンツに出会いました。「VINTAGE France made work stripe pants/Suspenders」をメインにスタイリングゥ。

This one's like a bad-ass dean of campus styling. Tuck your shirt in and look smart when he comes around. It's styled with Lauren cotton dress jacket(ladies, so what?), Gucci white leather hat(fake), Gucci shades(real), Roots black all leather bag(viva Canada!), White 60s vintage cotton T-shirt(V-neck), white leather shoes(Brazil made) and yellow measuring tape(5 feet).

And this one's like a 'smell you later, I'm going to somewhere fun! style'. See him, follow him. It's done with 90s Nike Air T-shirt(Pink), club monaco dress shirt(viva Canada!) with gold cuff rings(says 'B' as in B-boy), 60s vintage Stetson fedora hat(Beaver), Nike court force low(Kameda Bros. edition) and Giudi Italian leather bag(Vegetable leather).

Now this one's like 'a traveller who loves to go see an amateur ball game in the afternoon with a little bottle of Sake and occasionally yells "you suck'' at them' style. It's got a 60s football cotton shirt(nicely aged), Pashmina scarf(feels great), straw hat(goorin), dress vest(H&M;!) and Lacoste leather flip-flops(not IZOD, never).

Last entry, this one's a 'beastie boy on the hunt for beauty' style, with a rabbit fur zip-up vest(ladies, so fuckin' what?), 70s stripe tank top(deep cuts on front And back), Nike court force high premium(Safari) and leather hunting hat(NY Hat & Co.). With this style, can't help but to walk with chin up.
最後は破壊力抜群、{ワイルドスタイル}。その名の通り、男らしさを前に前に。女の子に着せるのはもったいない、「レディース ラビットファー ジップアップベスト」。インナーもタンクトップで男らしさ満点。パンツインした足元の「NIKE」もアニマル柄で、やり過ぎくらいの方がワイルドでかっこいい。題して、{狩るの?狩られるの?

'Hey kid, go get me a Pepsi, or I'll measure you head to toe!'


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