"Day 100” is almost here!
Now we got an idea for our 365 dayz, 365 T-shirts.
Titled, “My T-shirt Style Photo Contest, 2012 Summer”
All upperupper blog readers and followers are entitled to be the contestant!
Anything is possible as long as wearing a T-shirt!!
The best photo will be posted on the Day 100. There will be no prizes.
The strict, fair yet somehow unfair selection will be done by us, Muney & UG.
[Rules & Policies]
*Either yourself or someone who you style must be the model.
*No photo shop or any kind of editing is allowed except cropping.
*The photos must be something it’s not public yet.
*The photo must be something that’s taken this summer.
*5 photos maximum for each entry.
*It must include one that captures head to toe and one that’s up-close shot on T-shirt.
(You may wanna include the shot of tags and print, also posing in a stupid way, cool way, cute way etc...)
*You can send us as many different T-shirt styles as you wish.
*The photos you send in will not be used besides being posted on upperupper blog.
*Please note that it aslo means that the photos could go anywhere on the internet from there.
*We will not be responsible for any result followed by your photos being posted on our blog.
[Due Date]
Please submit your work by “Day 98” gets posted.(you know which day!)
The photos will just be posted on “upperupper 365 dayz, 365 T-shirts. Day 100.”
The follow-uppers or the ones we like that don’t quite make it to the top will still get posted on “Day 99.”
[To enter]
with your name, age, city/country, the title and the description if you wish, up to 50 words.
Do not forget to attach the photos!!!
Whatever it says up above, what we are asking is
‘Put on your best summer t-shirt, take photos and send them to us!’ is what it is.
We are hoping to see a whole lot of ‘good’ T-shirts and styles! Now get on with it!!
Muney & UG
本日~Day 98. のブログ投稿まで
「upperupper 365 Dayz, 365 T-Shirts. Day 100」のブログ上に掲載。 ※Day 99にて審査員特別賞を数点掲載予定。