upperupper recently welcomed 5 new members as shop staff. They were selected out of many other highly qualified candidates. Here is a little introduction of each one.
His name is Buraian-X. He is one of the Tokyo fashion leaders in the young generation. He is often starving because he spends all his yens on fashion. ブライアンX、若い世代のファッションをリード。3度のメシよりオシャレしたい。いつも腹が減ってます。
Next up,
Shoko. This is the 'Kawaii', kawaii girls don't have to be the anime shit. ショコ、明るくて可愛くて気がきく。おせんべいが好きです。
and this guy,
He is a rapper/DJ in case you don't know him. Check out his latest song here. Keepin' it fun. Zen-La-Rock。筋金入りのラッパー/DJ。作品も多数あり。まだ見た事ない人はちぇき。ちなみにこの曲、カラオケにも入ってます。Yep Yep!!
FOOL. He's a b-boy. He's establishing his own FOOLish style. Here's a little teaser of the work. 踊り屋FOOL。日々進化を続けるそのムーブそのスタイル。店でもちょっと目を離すと躍ってます。最近の作品ですちぇきどぞ。
and one more,
Yoshiki. He is a father of one. Family first. Badass wannabe good guy. upperupperの中堅、若い世代とMuney, UGのつなぎ目。こう見えても一児の父です。
And that's 5. They will be at the store on and off. Hope you come have fun with them. 以上5名、毎日必ず誰かが店にいますよ。遊びに来て下さいー。
In case you look for me, (this is Muney the owner of upperupper BTW), I am flying today to Sydney Australia. I will be there for about 2 months basically searching for gold:) Good day! ちなみにですが、私upperupper代表のMuneyは今日からオーストラリアはシドニーへ、色々と開拓のために、そしてupperupperの更なるパワーUPの為に2ヶ月程行って来ます。ご支援よろしくすー。