Since it's mid October already, 'Sports America' is in full gear on winter collection.
'Sports America' is a 4 big American sport vintage apparel shop. NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL are the ones and we also carry NCAA. It's down the stairs from upperupper.
Right now the line-ups are, Starter jackets and parkas, Chalk Line fanimations, Champion reverse weave NBA sweats, Cliff Engle sweaters Jeff Hamilton leathers and all other kinds of team wear, all vintage.
This shop is a pop-up with no actual end date yet.
Open 12pm-8pm everyday.
10月ももう下旬に差し掛かりましたね。地下ショップ 'Sports America' も本格的な冬コレクションに。
'Sports America' は、アメリカの4大スポーツ(NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL)のビンテージと、NCAAものも併せて取り扱うビンテージスポーツ専門セレクトショップ。場所はupperupperの地下、なのはもう知れた事?