This is what we pictured when we first heard Naked $ Famous. It turned out that it's a Montreal-based jeans maker using Japan-famous Okayama denim only. The jeans are all nice, reasonable and high quality. A lot better than the ones with bigger names that cost hundreds of dolla dolla. Okayama has a very nice station mall by the way. http://www.nakedandfamousdenim.com/
今回は Naked & Famous のご紹介。写真もある意味ネイキッド&フェイマス。。日本でもおなじみの岡山デニムを使ったカナダメイドのジーンズ。うちらはトロント在住ってこともあり即チェック。Holtrenfrewでも取り扱ってるってことで品質は立証済み。ちなみにMUNEYは即買いでした。