60s white painter pants that has paints all over, 80s white adidas hoodie and all white sneakers plus the purple to make your 'whiteness' stand out.
Sporty-international-business-like style with these beautiful vintage white equestrian pants.
ONとOFFで使い分けるWHITE PANTS。主張が強く毛嫌いされるホワイトパンツを、逆により一層と主張していく。長所を伸ばし、短所を個性に。
In winter, somehow you feel like wearing white shirt, pants. Especially when it snows out. It's not like you wanna camouflage in the snow or you wanna be a snowman. It's just the... mmmm. When I was in school, I remember this one day it snowed(rare in Tokyo) and I showed up in all white. White sweatshirt with college print, white Dickies and all white Pony with a white hat to complete it. Yeah, now I know. I wanted to celebrate the winter and whiteness the snow brings. It's all about celebration, right! Happy winter.