We extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to the people of Japan, particularly those who have lost loved ones in the earthquake and tsunamis. We join with the people in Toronto in our concern for those affected and give as much support as possible as WE overcome this tragedy.
We have friends in Japan and in Toronto who have lost their family members, and who have lost touch with their family members and friends. It's sad, devastating and worrying. But if you are fine along with your loved ones, it's about time to drop those feelings and start stepping forward with a big smile to light them up.
そんな時、DJ eYeからチャリティーマーケットのお誘いが。不用品を持ち寄ったり、ハンドメイドアクセサリー、ネイルアートなどのブースに交じって、GARAGARAGARAGE協賛でUpperUpperもチャリティーフリーマーケットに参加してきました。Vintageの商品に合わせてHipHopなアイテムも持ち寄って、upperupper crewは暗い雰囲気は嫌なので、ワイワイ楽しんできました。
As we were in such mood, DJ eYe decided to throw a charity market in downtown Toronto. The event included a flea market, nail art, hand made accessories, bake sales and so on. We teamed up with GARAGARAGARAGE and joined in. It was basically all organized and done by young and great willing Japanese/ Japan loving people living in Toronto. We brought in some of our vintage/hip hop clothing collection. And UpperUpper never forgets to have fun so we went in and hit the floor with those young stars.
Muney; 'We are having a Charity market to support Japan!!!'
UG; 'Vintage clothing, hip hop clothing, nail art....'
Muney; 'Bake sales, too!'
UG; 'and cars.'
Muney; 'Yes we have Porsche, Ferrar.... No, we don't got cars.'
UG; 'and it's all free!'
Muney; 'Yes we are simply giving awa...... UG, get back in. I got this.'
Giving instructions on sales work to the new crew.
Big Thanks to Angelune, Ian, Chris and Meg for getting it together!
130 of them were gone in a few hours.
It wasn't easy making it all together. But I can't really explain this satisfying feeling and the clear liquid that was filling my eyes a few times that day....
We donated ALL the proceedings, which was quite a sum, to Red Cross Japan.
A serious thanks to all the people who created, organized and supported this event as well as the people who came by. Let's do this again! This was just the beginning.