August 8th 2013 we opened our store.
We are still very young and growing fast, but it's a good opportunity to stop for a day, show our appriciation to all our family, friends and supporters that we are gifted with.
Thank you for your continuing support every single one of you.
We never did a sale but it's happening for that one day. August 8th. The current pop up shop 'underground beach club' will close for the day and the basement will be the '50% off everything' floor. Please come down and get lucky. *'underground beach club' will be back on from next day.
We will be open late that friday night. 12pm~11pm.
Most upperupper staff will be in for all that chats and laughs.
We will have tables and chairs out to sit around for tired parents and oldies.
It will be a kids-birthday-party-like atmosphere till 7pm.
After 7pm, we will be blasting good music out loud and boozies will be passed around for shit-facing hangover lovers.
It will be a good time. Hope to see you there!
And.... for online shoppers, sorry we won't be doing a sale online. But we will be making a renovation on our shop page soon so it will be a bit easier to shop and so that international buyers get to shop from us. Stay tuned.
ということで、ちょうど1周年の8月8日に1日限りのSALEやります。初SALEです。当日は、只今地下で開催中の夏限定ショップ 'underground beach club' はクローズし、地下が「全品半額SALEフロア」と化します。商品構成はオールミックス。「良いめっけもん」ゲットして行って下さい!(underground beach club はその翌日にリオープンします。)
PS オンラインショッパーのみなさん、今回オンラインでのSALEは予定していません。でもでも、近いうちにショップページの改修を行い、お買い物しやすくなるように、そして海外のみなさんもショッピング出来るよう進めて行く予定です。その際、もしくはその後にオンラインでも同じく1日限りのSALE日を設けたいと思います。何とか今年中には。。。今後もよろしくです!