We did it. We tie-dyed a bunch of our vintage t-shirt collection for the summer. The t-shirts are carefully selected to go with the dye, and they are all tied and dyed by hand of course. Did you ever think 'oh wish they had this vintage shirt in tye-dye'? Like polo, nike, adidas, you name it. We got them.
Each vintage t-shirt has it's own way of aging which makes them 'unique and different' from one another. Tie-dyeing make each ones even more 'uni n diff'. Looking for originality / you-ness? We got them.
既にビンテージってだけでエイジングの効果で1点もの感あるところに、1枚ごとに手絞め手染めしてあるわけなのです。7月4日から8月24日までの夏限定ショップ 'underground beach club' にて並びます。