His name is Brian-X. Today he shows us his 10 days one jersey style. Up above is the day 1. Color and design matching hoodie under the jersey.
Day 2↓
On day 2 he wears the same shit but holds the Gundam 12 inch on the other hand. That changes the whole look.
Day 3↓
On day 3 maybe it got a bit warm, he wears the jersey with an oversize RL shirt over it.
Day 4↓
On day 4, he wears the same outfit but this time, he is determined to stick his arms out for a total different look.
Day 5↓
On day 5, he matures up and wears the jersey under a stripe Tommy sweater with letting the jersey peek from the bottom.
Day 6↓
On day 6, he wears the same outfit but he hides the Tommy logo on the chest all day. No one will know that it's the same sweater from day 5.
Day 7↓
On day 7, he gets dressed up to visit his GF's parents.
Day 8↓
On day 8, he wears the same jacket but never button the front like the buttons have the same magnetic poles.
Day 9↓
On day 9, he goes nuts. He wants to wear all kinds of sport shit.
Day 10↓
On day 10, he gets shy....
That's all folks!