blog : Girbaud velcro straps



2015-02-15 16.56.20.jpg2015-02-15 17.03.53.jpg90's Marithe + Francois Girbaud. That velcro straps. How did you wear it back then? And how would you wear it now? Here is how we wear it...


① Tighten'em at the knee./ヒザで絞る。↓

2015-02-15 19.09.57.jpgIt makes'em flare and baggy! /バギーなフレアになった!

② Tighten'em at the ankle. /足首で絞る。↓

2015-02-15 19.05.34.jpgIt's suddenly so 2015!/急に今っぽい!

③ Tighten'em at the upper waist. /ウエスト上部できゅーーーーっ↓

2015-02-15 19.33.24.jpgThat's what we call a high fashion. /あ、何これ大分オシャレ。

④ Top + bottom. /上下結合。↓

2015-02-15 19.18.18.jpgHeyyy lemme go! /んむうっ放せこのっ!

⑤ Search the gloves. /手袋を探せ。

2015-02-15 19.20.01.jpg

Seen my gloves?? /ど〜こ置いたんだっけな、手袋〜。

⑥ Separation. / 別れ。

2015-02-15 19.24.30.jpgBaby please! Please don't go..... /行かないで〜!ねえお願いだから、行かないで〜!

⑦ You are not going anywhere. /どこにも行かせない。

2015-02-15 19.16.56.jpgTold you. ♡ ずっとそばにいて。

So.... watch out for the velro straps is what we've learned here. Cheers!


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